The Week That Was...

I haven't written on my blog for quite sometime, since my PC's network card was once again broken. There are many things that transpired this week. Some are happy news, some are sad, mostly...boring.

First to the sad news first, I would like to give my condolences to one of my friend... Polter, Novus of the Ordo Intra Circularis whose granddad passed away. I was in Leon to attend the funeral, and I find their hometown a very charming place. I also know their priest and Polter's family was marvelous...I really enjoyed my stay. The town also has a very archaic church which I took alot of pictures featured in my facebook.

Happy News? My bestfriend Roushan Tolouie is now officially a Nurse... she was one of the 39 thousand plus hopefuls who passed the dreaded NLE or Nursing Licensure Examination. only a meager 39% passed the exam.... I would ask for a burger treat...but Lala already treated me...hahahah COngrats Lalagirl!!!

My Facebook Addiction:

Facebook is now my official favorite Networking Service, which when I searched for people with exact same name s I have, I got 20 pages... (ow..Sh!t!!!) My real name was really very common... at least I know I am everywhere...from Portugal, to Spain, South America and the US and London, etc... Plus, I got to see my long lost and still missing cousins in the UK and US. Cousins, were still alive here in the Philippines!!!

More to Come Soon!!!


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