Litha and my 15th Year Anniversary

Litha or the Midsummer, a Sabbat which happens during the Summer Solstice- June 20-22. This is the time when the God reached the peak of His manhood. The sun reached its peak and the power of the God is at its highest. This is the time when the Sun is at its strongest and the day is at its longest.

Fifteen Years ago in Iloilo, an aspiring Wiccan dedicated himself to the Gods. It was just like yesterday when I started to "formally" walk the Path of the Gods. I have collected knowledge and skills along the way and I have followed the Gods in every way I can, without doubting and stopping my practice.

Today, June 21st 2010 I am celebrating my 15th year as a Witch. During this time, I rededicated my devotion to the Craft and to my Matron Goddess- Hekate and my Patron God Janus. I promised to continue my work to honour the Old Ways, collect Secret Knowledge and to devote my life in the Practice of the Craft.


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