Good Looks vs Big Brains

All the time, we hear people ask us which do we prefer. Some would say good looks and others would choose big brains... why not have both?
Good Looks does not really mean that you need to look like Narcissus. It could also mean that you are taking care of yourself and you look neat and clean. You want to probably look for clothes that would fit your body structure, skin tone, personality, etc. Would you like to wear a see-through black mesh blouse over a bright red bra? Oh! did I mention that she's also short, morena and weighs 200lbs?
Looking good could also mean having the right color of makeup, right hairstyle etc. No one is ugly in this world. They just do not know how to enhance their beauty.
Big Brains? Yeah! You are not required to have 200 IQ to say that you have big brains. It could also mean that you are informed and well read. I suggest that you read all the time and read and read to equip yourself with the needed knowledge to interact with people. At least you wouldn't be caught off guard when someone will start a conversation with you.
We just need to look for our assets and enhance them. Without identifying them, we cannot do it and if we leave them unpolish, nobody would see the beauty of it. Assess yourself and change for the better... now who says that we cannot be both beauty and brains?
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