Occultist's Notes: The Importance of Finding a Path
In the study of the occult, we are constantly exposed to the temptation of trying everything. Sometimes, when we decide to "test" a Path that we felt we are connected to, we only study and practice them in the most superficial level (just the spells). However, studying specific Paths require a lot of time and effort, some hit and misses, and most of all patience.
In some scenarios, in the modern occult theatre here in the Philippines, it is common to see people claiming to be practitioners of path A and another practice (path B). Most of the time, they are merging these practices, not really considering that some of these practices are the opposite of each other. There are also times that you see practitioners put together names of "Paths" they personally coined to describe the amalgam of the practices they do. Most of them, though, just calls themselves "Eclectic".
Another observation that I have is the rapid changes in the practices that some modern practitioners do. Meaning they will call themselves a Lightworker first and then call themselves Shamans after a few months. Studying and practicing specific Paths require people a long time to really understand it- mythos, tenets, rites, spirituality, etc. The practitioner is also required to study the specific Path's history, the contributors, cultural implications, changes, superstitions and many more.
Now, why is it important to find a specific Path to practice?
Studying a specific path for me would mold the practitioner into a more disciplined individual. Observing the traditions within his or her chosen practice means that he needs to follow correct rites and obligations. As most of the magickal traditions in the world today, there are rites and rituals that followers must perform. It might be a devotional to a certain God or Goddess, observation of the Wheel of the Year, Prayers in some LNK Groups, Esbats and many more.
Belonging in a specific Path would also mean that you will have access to more information about it, by talking to existing practitioners, observing rituals, immersing in the culture and tradition of the chosen path and possibly getting someone to mentor them. I am not saying that practitioners who are not following a specific Path are not doing things correctly, however, the absence of a structured tradition would mean that they can get wrong information, sidestepped into studying a lot of things and ending up with nothing after years of "Seeking", and would miss the spiritual experience that they could have if they are in a specific practice.
Another benefit of following a specific practice is the time tested formulas that the Tradition have. Most magickal traditions have long documented histories of their rites and rituals. They rites have been adapted into the tradition, sometimes by means of trial and error. You can say that these formulas are tried and tested and would likely work if you follow the instructions.
Following a specific Path or magickal Tradition is still dependent to the practitioner. He or She will have to study the path s/he is interested in to know more about it. Some people even meditate to ask the universe if they are for a specific Path and the Universe would have a very delayed response, most of the time. Some would be led to it in a short amount of time, while others would spend years to find theirs. In the end, whatever Path you chose, or the Divine chose for you, you need to embrace and live it.
Pictures from the Internet.